Hello Family and Friends!
What a fun week! Of course, Christmas Eve and Christmas were
filled with family traditions and cheer…and broken iphones. Hahah. Don’t ask. Anyway, I am excited for New Years Eve, and for the start of a new year, a new semester of school, and new opportunities to share the gospel. I am excited to see where Heavenly Father will guide me.
I know my past couple posts have been pretty lengthy, so
today I will keep this short and sweet.
This week, amid all the jubilee and joyousness, the lights
and the laughter, the rush and the relaxation, the headaches and the holiday, I
was given a beautiful gift. This gift was not wrapped, nor did it come from a store.
After studying my scriptures one morning, I felt
impressed that I should ask my father to give me a priesthood blessing. We had
talked about him giving me one ever since I returned home, but suddenly it felt
very important.
It was beautiful. I truly do know that Heavenly Father
listens to us. He knows us. He was able to use my father, a righteous priesthood
holder, to tell me things that I needed to hear, to comfort me, and to guide
me. There were things said and counseled on that I had never talked about with
anyone besides Heavenly Father. I know the power of the priesthood is real… it
is Gods power given to men; His way to direct His work here on earth. What a gift.
There was one thing that stood out to me in the blessing. I
was told that Satan is trying with all of his might to bring me down, to make
me feel despair and hopelessness; to make me feel like a failure. I was then
counseled not to let him bring me into darkness or those whom I will uplift.
I had never thought of it that way.
Each of us has the opportunity each and every day to uplift
others; to be an influence for good in someone’s life. But when we allow Satan
to influence our choices, our mood, our state of mind, our beliefs about
ourselves, we not only bring ourselves down, but those whom we could have
Perhaps there are people who need us to be strong. There are
people who are in our life for a reason.
One scripture that I really love is in Doctrine and
Covenants 81 verse 5. It says:
Wherefore, be faithful; stand in
the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands
which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees.
We not only need to be faithful for our own souls, but for
others. When we resist the adversary, and stand strong in the path God has
placed us, then we are able to lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen
the feeble knees.
So there is some food for thought for you. Simply put, your choices
effect more than yourself. I think we have all heard that sometime in our life,
but it became so clear to me this week. If I allow Satan to drag me down, then
I allow others not to be uplifted. There are people all around us who need our
good choices. There are people who need to be uplifted. I am grateful for this
time of year that reminds everyone about charity and gratitude. I know I have
been significantly blessed with reminders this week.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you a
Happy New Year. I cannot wait for this “New Beginning,” and the adventures to
come. To quote a dear friend of mine, “I have learned to walk with Christ this
year, and plan to walk with him for the rest of my life.” That is my choice, my
resolution for this upcoming year. I know that the savior is a real person. He
came to earth a little baby. He lived and taught us how to live through his
perfect example. I love Him.
I love you all. Thank you for your continued support and
Love. I am here for you too.
The 4th
Megan Cooley
Glad to see that you are doing great :)