It seems as a missionary you get adopted into several families. Everyone wants to make you their child, and just love you and such (especially the larsens) but you all are definitely my favorite family. :)
This was an interest week, but it was good. Yes, I had the scope done on thursday. It really was... kinda horrible hahahaha. The nap was great when they put me under anesthesia, but it left me in pain and feeling sick for the next 3 days. In fact.. I was pretty sure whatever they did to me made my stomach worse. haha yay! They put me on a prescription called Omeprazole. I hate the idea of having to take it every day. I have been raised all my life to just... deal with it ya know? and not to take drugs. So this is foreign to me. I dunno. I am giving it a try though. TRYING to stay positive :)
So coming out of the anesthesia was FUNNY. I remember very little about it, so I will tell you. I remember opening my eyes and I was crying, and Sister Stedman was sitting right there... she said... oh, are you sad? I said... uhh... I don't really know. hahaha. I vaguely remember gagging or throwing up... maybe I just dreamed that... but it was probably when they were pulling that stupid tube out of my throat. haha.
Then I guess the Dr. came in and showed me the pictures that they took of my throat and stomach... I don't remember them or what he said. And I guess he told me I needed to go have blood work done. It seriously is all a blur to me. I think I drank some water. My throat hurt after for like 2 days. Then I remember them asking me if I wanted someone to help me get dressed. I think the nurse helped me get dressed... cuz all of the sudden I was dressed. hahaha. Then all of the sudden I was in a wheelchair in front of sister howard. Then all of the sudden I was in the car and I was laying across the bench and I was crying hahahah. I seriously have no Idea how I was getting from point a to point b.... I think it was telaportation. Then We were at CVS and I was dropping of my prescription to be filled... then I was back in the car and Sister Larsen was talking to you on the phone. She told me everything you said and I dont even remember what it was. Luckily she took notes and showed me later. (I still have no IDea what those pictures look like or what they said they found from my scope...). If they find nothing then I guess they will just declare me and mentally insane and throw me in the loony bin... but seriously though. That's how I feel. Anyway. By the time we got home I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours and so I was super hungry. I ate a sweet potato, it was the only thing that sounded good and was soft enough. Then I was like....okay lets go to our appointments! and Sister Howard said... uh... no sister cooley... you need to lay down.. I said... uhhh nah. I'm ok. then I stood up and my stomach hurt SO bad. and she said. Go lay down now! haha so I did and I passed out for 40 minutes. Then we went and taught a lesson... which We probably shouldn't have because I was super out of it and I think I offended my Hispanic investigators... so I have some repairing to do I think. dang it. except I don't remember what I said. But I didn't tell them I had just had a procedure.. so maybe I will explain that when I see them tomorrow and apologize. Hopefully all will be well.
We had a set back with them. They have a lot of concerns, and the language barrier is so frustrating. It was humbling that's for sure. So we are working on a solution. Once again I have learned that this is not about me.. that this is GODS work, and the only way for it to WORK is to do it HIS way!!! silly me. think I would learn that by now.
Mom, thank you for your gratitude thoughts in your email. That was just what I needed. You have always been sooo good at that. Always remembering to see the good, to be grateful. I hope one day I can be just like you :)
Sarah, I am SOO glad you finally told the family about the baby! It has been eating me up inside! haha and I am glad that it is a boy so that you can have an easier time naming him. Girl names were hard right? AH I am sooo excited for another nephew!!! :) Ultrasound pics?? Did you tell the family in a special way?
Kimberly... your turn! haha jk jk.
Sister Howard has become such a good friend. I love her so much. She has helped me through so much. :) She is always super eager to learn and to improve and to teach and be obedient. We are both helping each other to be better people. :)
I know I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for ALWAYS helping me to remember that. I think that is the key to me getting better. To focus on the things I am grateful for. I have been writing in my journal a lot, and the more that I journal about things I am grateful for and about the type of person that I want to become, the better I feel. I know that Heavenly father only wants me to think good thoughts about myself. And that the not good thoughts are not thoughts of the spirit. I know Satan wants me to be discouraged and to just give up. But God doesn't want me to. The Savior never gave up. He taught us how to endure. He taught us how to turn to Heavenly Father, to walk by faith rather than by sight, to remember God, to remember our blessings and our covenants... and to submit to Heavenly Father's will.
I am trying. :) That is what we are asked to do. To try and try
again. I sure love you all so much. Thank you so much for praying for me and
always cheering me on. :) I hope you each know how much I love you and look up
to you.
Love Always!
Running hard at 212. 4th Missionary FOREVER!